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The following are from the Gardinarian Book of Shadows. Other names for the Goddess or God may be substituted. Alexandrian uses Aradia and Cernunnos in place of the longer list of Hebrew and other names.

Consecration of the Water and Salt

Place the bowl of water on the Pentacle, hold the tip of the Athame in the water, and say:

"I exorcise thee, O Creatures of Water, that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleanness of the spirits of the world of phantasm. Mertalia, Musalia, Dophalia, Onemalia, Zitanseia."

Remove the bowl from the Pentacle and replace it with the salt, and say:

"Blessings be upon this Creature of Salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth thencefrom, and let all good enter therein. Wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me."

Changing the bowls over again and pouring the salt into the water, say:

"Yamenton, Yaron, Tatonon, Zarmesition, Tileion, Tixmion. But ever mind, water purifies the body, but the scourge purifies the soul.

Consecrating a Sword or Athame:

With the Athame laid over the Pentacle, with and touching another consecrated Athame if available. Sprinkle them with the salt and water mixture. Pick up the tool and pass it through the incense smoke, then replace it on the Pentacle. Laying your right hand on it, say:

"I conjure thee, O Athame, by these Names, Abrahach, Abrach, Abracadabra, that thou servest me for a strength and defense in all magical operations against all mine enemies, visible and invisible. I conjure thee anew by the holy name Aradia and the holy name Cernunnos; I conjure thee O Sword (Athame), that thou servest me for a protection in all adversities; so aid me now."

After again sprinkling with the salt water and censing the Athame is returned to the Pentacle. Say:

"I conjure thee, O Athame of Steel, by the Great Gods and Gentle Goddess, by the virtue of the heavens, of the stars and of the spirits who preside over them, that thou mayest receive such virtue that I may obtain the end that I desire in all things wherein I shall use thee, by the power of Aradia and Cernunos."

After kissing the blade and presenting it to the Goddess recast the Circle using it, but without words. It should then be kept in close proximity of the owner’s body for at least a month, perhaps under the pillow, etc. Do not allow anyone else to touch or handle your tools for at least six months.

The latter part of this is my adaptation as the specified ritual involves two people, a priest and priestess doing such things as holding the Athame between their bodies.


Consecration of Other Working Tools

Used for any ritual item other than an Athame or Sword.

Man and Woman lay their right hands on the tool, which is placed on the pentacle. Say:

"Aradia and Cernunnos, deign to bless and consecrate this white handled knife (or whatever) that it may obtain the necessary virtue through you for all acts of love and beauty."

The man sprinkles the tool with the salt and water mixture then the woman passes it through the smoke of the incense. She then puts it back onto the Pentacle. Say:

"Aradia and Cernunnos, bless this instrument prepared in your honor."

Once again the man sprinkles and the woman censes.

The one who is not the owner then gives the five fold kiss to the one who owns the tool. For the final kiss on the mouth they hold the tool between their bodies. The owner should then immediately use it. Incise something with the white-hilted knife, exhibit the Pentacle to the four quarters, cense the four quarters, etc.

When not in use, all tools should be put away in a secret place; and it is good that this should be near your sleeping place and that you handle them each night before retiring.


Consecrating Personal Jewelry, Etc.

Not from Gardner’s Book of Shadows, but as used by the Farrars.

Man and woman place the object on the Pentacle and lay their right hands upon it. They say:

"We consecrate thee in the element of Earth."

They sprinkle the object with the salt and water mixture, saying:

"We consecrate thee in the element of Water."

They pass the object through the smoke of the incense, saying:

"We consecrate thee in the element of Air."

They pass the object above the flame of the candle.

"We consecrate thee in the element of Fire, in the names of Aradia and Cernunnos."

If the object is something that can be worn or used immediately it should be.

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