Join the Coven at New Moon Occult Shop
The New Moon Occult Shop group will start as open circles. Anyone who has taken the course or who just wishes to see what being in a ritual is like is welcome to attend. Before each ritual, Lady Ayra will cover what will be in the ritual, what is expected of people (such as chanting, eating, no farting, etc...), and what to expect. Each open ritual will use the traditional elements associated with the tradition of Scal Dare and will be familiar and yet a bit different from what some will be used to.
A strong emphasis is placed on having fin and enjoying the ritual. Few rituals are solomn and many fill everyone (or most people at least) with a bubbling joy and laughter. One accusation levelled against Lady Ayra's circles that she is proud of is that everyone was having too much fun.
This group will not start as a teaching group and so please do not attend if you wish to learn lessons. In time an inner and outer court may form - (inner court)a core coven who are trained more intensely and (outer court)a group of people who just like to gather for rituals. The emphasis will always be on open invitation rituals for major festivals though so feel free to pop by.
Currently we are looking for a place to hold the rituals where we can do so with candles and no fear of interruptions or fire regulations so as soon as we have a spot, it will be advertised with dates of open rituals.
The Coven of the Mists was founded by Lady Ayra at York University in the late 80's by Lady Ayra. It became one of the first covens to be recognized on a university campus in Canada, gaining formal recognition by York University in Toronto, Canada in the very early 90's.
Lady Ayra's tireless work ensured that the coven was recognized on the York University Interfaith Council as a voting member. COTM is an open-grove Celtic Pagan/Wiccan group seeking to clear up misinformation and to offer a place and group with which to worship without having to make a commitment.
Our system is as non-hierarchical as it can reasonably be (meaning we still need to get stuff done!). We give open lectures on campus twice a year called The Truth About Witchcraft as well as many other events such as Making Goddesses in Clay and The Goddess Dinner with our York University branch.
In 1996, Lady Ayra left for England, leaving Lady Aislinn as priestess. She formed a coven there and began teaching her tradition which filled a niche left by traditional, famtrad and traditional witches - that of a recreationist tradition which allowed anyone to participate with no vows of secrecy.
The work in Toronto goes on with Lady Aislinn having sat as Chairperson of the York Interfaith Council for 2 years---proof that Pagan Outreach educational efforts work! Eventually a core group, Tuatha Tir-na-Nog, was formed within the same structure of the open-grove in Toronto. A token system was begun and our tree-ring system blossomed from a skeletal seed to a really big tree.
The course taught by Lady Ayra from the first days of the coven's existance are now available by correspondance and cover many of the aspects taught over the years to many coveners.
The Coven of the Mists practices a tradition of wicca called Scal Dare. It is a Celtic recreationist tradition which means it seeks to recreate the traditions and religion of the ancient Celts without focusing on druidism.
The origins of the tradition lie firmly in the hands of three teachers whose teachings Lady Ayra wove together with her knowledge of the ancient Celts to create this new tradition. It recaptures some of the teachings, some of the traditions, the folk tales, myths and legends and passes them on with strong emphasis on scholarly history, archaeology and fact, not fiction and fantasy.
More about the course