April 2005 Newsletter
- Judith's Ramblings
- Product Spotlight
- Book Review
- Ritual Workings
1) Judith's Ramblings
WOW - Was that a cool WitchyCon or what? From initial estimates we have a float of close to 300 pounds to put towards renting a hall and running the convention next year so THANK YOU to everyone who attended and a big hug to the 15 people who signed up for the convention but never showed up. Hope nothing bad kept you away. The event was well received by all, I've had some thumping great suggestions and we're looking to increase to a venue that will hold 200 people next time - not as atmospheric as that wonderful pub but I know other people are going to be doing things there too so I hope to be able to attend those events!
My life at the moment really is just going from convention to convention - EasterCon, WitchyCon, ElfFantasy, WorldCon - I tell ya, it's not all fun and games - sometimes it is yummy food too! *grins* But hey - it's all fun!
For those of you following my weight loss trials and tribulations - I am now lighter than my lightest since my illness and I have only 11lbs to go - a mere 5kgs - until I get back to what I was like in uni. Now once I get there I'd also like my health back *winks*. I have to admit, the Atkins diet is really fundamental along with the 40min of exercise 5x/week in my success. I experimented with low cal/low fat but was constantly irritable and snappy and always had a headache. I tried listening to my body but no dice. Atkins and exercise have helped me meet a mini goal and with luck and hard work, will help me meet my ultimate goal!
What's happening at New Moon? Well, there was a flurry of shows and buying in March and thankfully things have settled a bit. We're working hard up to Elf Fantasy because of having to reprice everything in Euros so I'm not sure how much shopping I can get done for New Moon. The Absinthe stuff has finally come in so all you Absinthe drinkers (and I *know* you're all over the legal drinking age) grab it now. Most popular I think will be the absinthe spoon and the absinthe tumblers but we also have a drop of absinthe (so to speak) in earring form and a wonderful "la Fee Verte" pendant. You'll also have noticed the new Amy Brown jewellery (and if you visit her artwork site you probably own everything she's done *grins* if you can afford it. I am saving up still for an original - it'll be many years yet before I can get one) and new dragon bits - much funness!
Don't forget about our sale page at http://www.newmoon.uk.com/sale.htm
2) Product Spotlight
One of our suppliers has come out with these great prints that are gorgeous and I just love. They started as cards and everyone was so taken with them that they created posters. We have several images but I really think that the Fire Dragon print by the artist Briar is my favourite. Besides my love of dragons, the detail in the original image is just beautiful.
I wish I had an image large enough to post online and show you the fantastic detail. Not only is the dragon drawn with exacting detail, from the sky to the earth, little details have been added to the complex landscape that make it a realistic and yet magickal picture. The crow in the background soaring in the sky, the mountain and river that comes from back to foreground with an artistic precision, the landscape and how the dragon sits upon it - everything has been done with such care and attention to detail that you will be proud to hang these framed upon your wall.
Also, for those CMs out there, the four archangels come as framable posters too - we have both the posters and frames so if you'd love your angel at stationed at the correct position - and the most beautiful archangels the are - these would be just perfect. They aren't standard stock but we can easily get them for anyone who wishes.